Monday, March 14, 2011


This past week has been full of culture and community. I've been treating my inner artist to books, plays, classes, workshops, and stretching my creativity with auditions. I've spent time equally giving back to the community and helping out friends, making time for others. I spent a lot of time this weekend reflecting on the community parts of my week. I enjoyed several hours of games, reading and discussions with a group of female youth. The conversations and exposure these teens have today is nothing like my adolescent years. The topics of sex and self-esteem were among the most discussed, which are typical topics to discuss. But, it opened my eyes to the severity of the guidance our youth need. While sex and self-love have always been an ongoing issue with teens it seems to be at a new height in this era. I had conversations with other friends who work with youth and they have similar stories of teens getting lost in today's world. Most of them desire attention or friendship, someone to show a glimpse of care for them. I was surprised at how honest, without hesitation, some of the teens were with sensitive subjects. Its like they want to talk, they want the help, and if someone would stop and lend an ear it would be the start of turning our communities around. The teens seemed eager to have a new face amongst the group so I have committed myself to attend once a week for now with the hopes of adding more days. It touches a special place in me to help teens, especially female teens, to understand their self-worth and learn to love themselves and one another. I pray for words of wisdom and a patient spirit as I embark on the mission to build up our community by strengthening the youth. I also pray for others to join in this mission and give a bit of their time to help another. Come-Unity!

Peace yall!

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

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